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On-line Talking Mats Foundation Course

We have recently revised and updated our on-line Talking Mats foundation course . It now runs over 6 weeks and is designed to take an average of 12 hours of your time.   Participants can go at the pace that suits them so for example in the last course one person completed in 2 weeks and another used the full 6 weeks .

The feedback has been really positive about lots of different aspect of this way of learning and included comments about

The structure of the course

 ‘It has been very well laid out, all modules flowed well together. There was a clear progression to build up our skills and the tutor offered really constructive feedback’

‘ ‘It was good to be able to do it in my own time – my work schedule became more hectic than I had anticipated but I was able to still do it in the evenings and weekends

’ The website  was easy to use and useful to have the forum and see all the different uses of talking mats. This has inspired me to use the tool outwith work and within the voluntary sector.’

‘When I could not access my laptop I could access on my phone ‘

Knowledge and application  of Talking Mats

‘This course has strengthened my knowledge about  who, when and how to involve Talking Mats in my work’

‘Talking Mats has already allowed me to find out more about my clients’ needs.’

‘Using Talking Mats has resulted in enabling my  client to explain her fears and has encouraged  her to come into and access the dental department’

‘I have never experienced this kind of outcome before with a person , who has got severe comprehension and cognitive problems (Circle 2). I noticed, that doing the concrete submats made her more able to follow me in conversations talking about issues in circle 3, By handing over the control to the thinker, it is wonderful to be able to balance, and empower the conversation. That gives me satisfaction and joy.’

I’ve found the experience of actually using Talking Mats in practice immensely satisfying,. Each time it’s surprised me how engaged the thinker appears to become, and how readily their voice comes through when it has the space and time to do so’

‘ I wouldn’t hesitate now in using Talking Mats , even with people who have strong verbal skills if I felt it could be a useful way of getting them to focus on and think around a particular topic.’

Wider reflection on personal communication  

‘My communication skills have benefited – this course has really encouraged me to think about phrasing, question types, clarity etc.’

‘It has led me to reflect on how complicated some of the things I ask of people are.’

‘I can evaluate whether communication is effective and how I can improve this.’

So if you want a course that you can do without travel and that enables you to

  • Understand the Talking Mats communication framework- in particular who to use it with and for what topics and questions
  • Be able to use Talking Mats for a range of purposes within your setting.
  • Gain confidence in using tool based on best practice interview techniques and which evidences your commitment to person centred working
  • Have increased awareness of your own communication style particularly interacting with people with communication difficulties.

If this is you book on our next course starts the 5th Dec   


Further reading  Check out Natalie Leader blog about her experience of completing the course from Tasmania
