Enabling adults with Learning disabilities to raise concerns
Over the past year we have been funded by the Scottish Government to develop a Talking Mat to enable adults with Learning disabilities to raise issues of concern. We have worked in close partnership with Survivor Scotland and Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project . Together we have developed and trialled a Talking Mat . The final report for this project is here :Talking Mats and Survivor Scotland final Report
This year the Scottish Government recognised the value of using Talking Mats as a conversation framework to enable people with learning disability to reflect on their lives and express their views including raising any areas of concern. One of the key themes from the national Scottish strategy for people with learning difficulties ‘Keys to Life’ is to keep people safe, but it was also recognised that the Talking Mat that had been designed could also help with other themes –
- Helping people with learning disabilities stay in control
- Shift the culture and ensure care is genuinely person centred
- Evidence that the views of people with learning disabilities have been taken into account
- Support people to cope with adversity and loss and enhance resilience
- Address health inequalities and reduce early deaths
The Scottish Government has funded a 3 year project which we are calling Keeping Safe.
This project will
- Produce a new resource based on the feedback from earlier projects This has 3 topics of conversation . Firstly ,How people are feeling about their Health and well-being secondly, their relationships. For people who are able to think and express their views at a more abstract level the resource has a third topic and gives them space to reflect on their thoughts and feelings.
- Train staff in the 14 health boards across Scotland to use Talking Mats and this resource specifically. This training will be provided jointly with KASP so staff can be supported to think through how they respond appropriately to any concerns that may arise
- Ensure that all health board areas have accredited trainers who will be able to lead ongoing training and sustain use of the resource
If you work with adults with learning disabilities in Scotland and would be like to be part of this exciting initiative please contact us at info@talkingmats.com.