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Fab Talking Mats film: involvement in action!

doing-the-matThis is a fabulous film that really shows Talking Mats in action and how it supports and promotes involvement on so many levels.

Talking Mats and the National Involvement Network (NIN) have been working together for the past year  to enable the NIN members to develop a Talking Mat and to use that Mat to listen to the experiences of people with learning disabilities . It has been a great project and we wrote up the experience of running the training in two earlier blogs.

The first blog described how we worked with the group to develop  a Talking Mat to link with the NIN’s charter for involvement . The second how we developed and delivered a Talking Mats training course to meet the needs of the NIN members all of whom have learning disabilities

The group then set off to carry out their Talking Mats conversations supported by staff from their respective organisations and or ARC Scotland. The group decided they wanted to make a film about their experiences of using Talking Mats and ARC Scotland  supported them to do this . Rhona and I were delighted when we got this link to the film all about their experiences of using Talking Mats. We really enjoyed watching it and we are sure you will to.
